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  • Legal Notices | Daily Apple Clinic

    Legal Notices At Daily Apple Clinic, we do our best to treat people with kindness and respect as we protect our patients and provide the very best care we possibly can. Please click on the button below to find the standard disclaimers and legal requirements that explain what the website is for, how cookies work and our privacy policy. Hopefully, they will clarify these issues for you. Thanks Legal Notices

  • Medications | Daily Apple Clinic

    Medicamentos Creemos en el valor y la conveniencia. Como beneficio adicional para nuestros pacientes, proporcionamos medicamentos inyectables para su conveniencia. También nos asociamos con la farmacia más cercana (Capitol Heights) para la mayoría de los otros medicamentos y vacunas. Las vacunas que puede encontrar en la farmacia incluye: influenza estándar y de dosis alta, Prevnar 13, Pneumovax 23, Shingrix, tétanos y MMR. Podemos recetar sus medicamentos electrónicamente o entregarlos a su hogar por una tarifa adicional. Los medicamentos enumerados a continuación son los que actualmente tenemos en inventario. Vacunas y medicamentos inyectables Ceftriaxona (Rocephin®), 1 g: $ 2.75 Difenhidramina (Benadryl®), 50 mg: $ 1.77 Ketorolaco (Toradol®), 60 mg: $ 2.56 Solumedrol, 125 mg / 2 ml: $ 24,18 (La lidocaína y Kenalog están incluídos en el costo de los procedimientos) Las tarifas están sujetas a cambios. Los inyectables están sujetos a una tarifa de administración de $ 29.00 por inyección. No surtimos recetas escritas por proveedores externos. ​ Recuerde: No mantenemos ni recetamos sustancias controladas. Simplemente no encajan con nuestra filosofía y misión.

  • STD Testing | Daily Apple Clinic

    STD Testing Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Every year, more than 20 million people in the United States learn they have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Some STDs can cause serious health problems if left untreated. As well, having one STD increases your chances of having other STDs, like HIV. It is important to be tested regularly if you are sexually active, especially with multiple partners. Knowing your STD status is the only way you can avoid giving the infection to others. Paul Reynolds, FNP, Monica Schonteich, FNP, and the trained team at Daily Apple Clinic, conveniently located in Congress Park of Denver, Colorado, offer comprehensive STD testing and treatment to protect your health and the health of your partners. Call the office to schedule an appointment or request one online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 STD Testing Q & A ​ What are STDs? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites that are spread from one person to another, usually during vaginal, anal, and oral sex. And, while common, many people may not have discernible symptoms. STDs should be treated as soon as you become aware of them, or they may lead to serious health problems. ​ Some of the most common STDs tested for at Daily Apple Clinic include: ​ Genital herpes Human papillomavirus (HPV) Chlamydia Gonorrhea Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Syphilis Trichomoniasis ​ What symptoms suggest I have an STD? Persons with an STD may have the following symptoms: ​ Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina Sores or warts around the genitals Unusual vaginal odor Anal or g enital itching and redness Pain during sex Painful or frequent urination ​ ​ What should I expect during STD testing? Being tested is important. If you are sexually active, especially with multiple partners, you should be tested annually, even if you are not showing symptoms. STD testing is not a standard part of your annual physical, so please request testing if you have any concerns. Any discussion you have with your provider and any results from testing are always confidential. ​ Some STDs may be diagnosed during a physical exam or through microscopic examination of a sore or fluid swabbed from the vagina, penis, or anus. Blood tests can also diagnose other types of STDs. The clinic will send samples to the lab and receive your results within a few days. They will notify you as soon as they are available. ​ What treatments are available for STDs? Antibiotics are typically used to treat STDs caused by bacteria or parasites. Viral STDs have no cure, but medicines can often help with the symptoms and lower your risk of spreading the infection. Some viral infections may also be treated with cryogenic or surgical procedures to remove infected tissue. ​ You can reduce the risk of contracting and spreading STDs with the use of latex condoms, however the most reliable way to avoid infection is simply to not have anal, vaginal, or oral sex. Vaccines are also available to prevent HPV and Hepatitis B. ​ If you would like to discuss STD testing due to symptoms you are having or concerns about your sexual history, please call us at Daily Apple Clinic, or book an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Colds & Coughs | Daily Apple Clinic

    Colds & Coughs Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Breathing is important. Your respiratory system brings oxygen into your body and removes carbon dioxide. Problems with your respiratory system can reduce the oxygen that reaches your lungs, which is necessary for life and good health. Respiratory infections are common and usually resolve using simple remedies and rest. However, complications and more serious illness may arise, especially in babies, the elderly and individuals with a compromised immune system. ​ Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to diagnose and treat both upper and lower respiratory infections. We offer comprehensive respiratory care for patients of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Respiratory Infections Q & A ​ What are respiratory infections? Respiratory tract infections occur in the parts of the body involved in breathing, such as the sinuses, throat, airways or lungs. Most infections get better without treatment, but sometimes you may need to see a medical professional. These infections are classified as upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Upper respiratory tract infections usually refer to the common cold, sore throats, and sinus infections. Lower respiratory tract infections usually refer to bronchitis and pneumonia in adults. Respiratory infections typically occur in fall and winter when people spend more time indoors. Infections usually occur when viruses or bacteria enter your respiratory system through the air or by touching infected hands or surfaces. Most respi ratory infections occur in the upper respiratory tract and are the most common reason people visit the doctor’s office. ​ What are the symptoms of a respiratory infection? Respiratory infections such as the common cold and the flu tend to cause predictable symptoms that are easy to identify. If you have an upper respiratory infection, your symptoms may include: ​ Cough Fever Sore throat Hoarse voice Sneezing Nasal congestion or discharge Mild headache Fatigue Swollen lymph nodes ​ More severe symptoms such as high fever, difficulty breathing, severe cough, wheezing, dizziness or stridor (a harsh raspy sound when you breathe) are indications you should contact a healthcare provider right away. Please call your provider at Daily Apple Clinic if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. ​ How are respiratory infections treated? Both upper and lower respiratory infections that are not severe usually go away without intervention from a medical provider. Over-the-counter medications at your local drugstore can help with symptom relief. Drinking lots of fluids (water, tea and broth) and getting plenty of rest are your first and best remedies. Salt water gargles can help relieve a sore throat. If your symptoms persist longer than 7 to 10 days or are getting significantly worse, you may need antibiotics or other prescribed medications. Y our providers at Daily Apple Clinic can also offer medications for sore throat, cough, sinus drainage or congestion, shortness of breath or that relieve inflammation, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) or steroids. Even though you are not feeling well, remember that these infections are contagious. Try to act responsibly by staying away from others to avoid the spread of disease. To learn more about respiratory infections and find relief from your symptoms, call Daily Apple Clinic or book an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Coaching | Daily Apple Clinic

    Coaching/Entrenamiento We believe in personal growth. ​ Let's start with a story... As a freshman in college, Paul realized he was in sore need of guidance. The world had become a pretty big place, and it was clear he knew a lot less than he would need to know in order to get by in life. The voices around him had become unfamiliar, and he wondered who could help. He had always valued his grandmother's wisdom and thought she might have some answers. He also knew her life was coming to a close and didn't want to miss the opportunity to hear what she might have to say. So, he wrote her a letter. He told her he was feeling unsure about how to find his way, and he asked her what she thought were the most important things he needed to know in life. A couple of weeks later, he received a letter back. In it, she said, "Just do your best, and always be true to your word." And, here at Daily Apple Clinic, we think that was some pretty good advice. At DAC, we believe we can do no less than honor one another by being true to our word and waking up every day with the intention of being even better than the day before. We accept our human shortcomings and know that if we want to truly make a difference we can't just give lip service to the things we believe in. Instead, we aim to live and breathe our ideals in order to create change in ourselves and in the world around us. And, the truth is, we really don't have any other choice. We can only look to ourselves to be the people we want to be. Only you can choose for you. Life always puts us in the driver's seat. "Okay... sounds nice. I like being in charge of me, but how can I do that? How can I get started?" Well, it just requires a little mental gardening. You need to plant a seed in your mind. It begins with this: Attitude is everything. You first must decide how you will see the world and your future. As you awaken to what is possible and see yourself as a unique, capable and creative person, you will allow your independent, potential self the freedom to exist. You must not allow the perceptions of yourself that have been created by others control your future. It is your perspective and your vision forward that will guide you. It’s a simple concept, and we know that it works. There's really no rocket science here. You can't hit what you don't aim at, and, when people take a vested interest in being the best they can be, they always succeed. Something good always comes of that effort. Where you choose to focus is where you will end up, and, the truth is, we just have to choose that path. "Oh, but what about those scary pitfalls...?" Right... potholes, speed bumps, etc. We are well aware of them. Obstacles happen, and toddlers learn early on that they fall where gravity takes them, so you have to step up and out with both intention and with care in order to reach the endpoint you have in mind. Our goal is to help you find and choose the path that is best for you and help you avoid mistakes along the way. We’re not looking for perfection, just honest effort. We all stumble, but we expect you to take responsibility for learning healthy behaviors and putting them into practice a little at a time, step by step. We just expect everyone to do their best, every day. "So... what makes you think I can do this?" Because we know your potential. Yep... you. The truth is, your life and existence are nothing short of miraculous, and the world is waiting for you to show them what you have to offer. We truly believe every person has the capacity to do something amazing. Only you have your DNA and your gifts, and we remind our patients of their uniqueness and incredible capacity every day. When folks finally recognize their value and potential, they start to grow and get better as they follow their true purposes. It never fails. And, it's pretty cool. So, we're looking for patients who truly want to be healthier, happier and live their best possible lives. We are looking for people who will take personal responsibility for their choices and the ultimate direction their lives take. We're looking for people who hope to make a difference in their own special way as they make their gifts available to others. If you think that is you or you would like it to be you, we would love for you to join us on the journey. If things work out, we'll all get better together. When you become a patient, we will share our ideas about how you can be the person you want to be, provide resources for self-study as you find them helpful or useful, and connect you with counselors and educators to refine your specific goals. Our goal and purpose is to to help our patients live the lives they were meant to live. Take good care and hope to see you soon.

  • Our Services | Daily Apple Clinic

    Nuestros servicios Creemos en el cuidado integral de la persona. En caso de que tenga dudas o se sienta confundido, sí, somos una clínica médica regular con los medicamentos habituales, imágenes, laboratorios, procedimientos y especialidades disponibles para ud. Brindamos una variedad de servicios diseñados para mejorar su salud, utilizando la evidencia más reciente para el más alto nivel de atención posible. Sin embargo, nuestra clínica se diferencia un poco de las otras. Si bien estamos absolutamente interesados ​​en ayudarlo con cualquier problema agudo y brindar atención estándar para afecciones crónicas, también lo vemos como una persona integral con muchos aspectos que pueden necesitar atención. Esto requiere que seamos creativos y que dediquemos a su cuidado algo más de consideración. Con el fin de abordar todas sus necesidades usamos tecnología en nuestros servicios. Tenemos visitas de telemedicina, y cuando lo consideramos necesario usamos la tecnología también para educarlo a ud. en su salud. Creemos que ud. es una persona única con el potencial de ser algo asombroso y queremos ayudarlo a llegar ahÍ. Esto requerirá su esfuerzo personal mientras nosotros le brindamos asesoramiento, apoyo y experiencia. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios y cómo puede acceder a ellos, haga clic en los botones a continuación. Esperamos poder brindarle la mejor atención posible a usted y a su familia. Lista de servicios Medicamentos Educación Entrenamiento

  • Paul's Purpose | Daily Apple Clinic

    Una nota de Paul: Mi propósito Después de leer acerca de la misión Daily Apple Clinic (DAC), es posible que se pregunte cuál creo que es mi propio propósito. Si tienes curiosidad, aquí está ... Como cristiano, creo que todos los propósitos están ligados a Dios y sus intenciones, así que trato de buscarlo mientras participo en su creación en expansión. Elijo seguir a Cristo y ser injertado en sus propósitos. Se podría decir que trato de “estar bien en el Creador” mientras permito que mi fe informe mi propósito y sea la base de todo lo que hago. Si está familiarizado con el cristianismo, entonces sabrá que todos son bienvenidos en Daily Apple Clinics. Veo a todas las personas como hermosas e imperfectas. Y, como una persona menos que perfecta, para mí solo tiene sentido aceptar nuestras diferencias, nuestras debilidades y nuestras deficiencias con toda la alegría y la humildad que pueda reunir. En la búsqueda de mis mejores propósitos, estoy agradecido de poder ayudarlo con su salud y curación. Trato diligentemente de asegurarme de que nuestras clínicas sean centros de misericordia y refrigerio espiritual, así como instalaciones para promover el bienestar, prevenir enfermedades, curar enfermedades y ayudar a reparar los cuerpos rotos como podamos. Mi meta y deseo es simplemente cuidarte con amor. Cuando esté bien y haya confirmado sus mejores propósitos, espero que salga y haga las cosas buenas y correctas donde quiera que esté, con cada persona que conozca y con verdadera alegría. Ayudarle a hacer un progreso constante mientras mantiene el equilibrio es el objetivo. A medida que vivas tu mejor vida posible y se cumplan tus propósitos, el mío también lo será. Cuídate bien.

  • The Four Pillars | Daily Apple Clinic

    Los cuatro pilares Solo lo básico, por favor Por este, debemos dar el debido crédito al Dr. Rangan Chatterjee por su trabajo y las ideas en su libro, The 4 Pillar Plan . Si bien no seguimos su "estructura" al pie de la letra, ha proporcionado una base fantástica para este concepto. Siempre hemos centrado nuestro razonamiento en este patrón de pensamiento, y creemos que lo resumió increíblemente bien. Recomendamos su libro (s). Ampliamos un poco las ideas del Dr. Chatterjee y les agregamos nuestro propio giro para describir nuestra filosofía. Siempre hemos sentido que la buena salud se reduce esencialmente a los tres conceptos de nuestra página de inicio, pero, en términos de los aspectos básicos de la salud física, es prácticamente lo mismo que aprendiste en tu clase de salud de quinto grado. El desafío es que nos bombardean constantemente con mensajes que nos animan a comprar y consumir bienes e ideas que sirven al vendedor. Se nos dice que nuestras vidas no serán completas ni satisfactorias sin sus productos o estilo de vida. Esto es, por supuesto, una completa tontería. La verdad es que no podemos agregar más horas o actividades al día para vivir más. Pero hay cosas que podemos hacer para optimizar el tiempo del que disponemos. La clave, en cambio, es priorizar y simplificar y, si alguien te está vendiendo algo, probablemente no quieras comprarlo. Si comenzamos y nos atenemos a lo básico, nuestra vida física, mental, emocional y espiritual se construirá sobre una base sólida y tendremos el potencial para prosperar. ¿Qué son los cuatro pilares? Los cuatro pilares de la buena salud son: dieta, sueño, desestresarse y movimiento. Desglosamos cada uno de ellos en subsecciones de tipo, cantidad y tiempo. Tendrá que experimentar para ver qué funciona mejor para usted, pero, para resumir, podría verse así: Dieta: de tipo mediterráneo, evita los alimentos ultraprocesados, artificiales y fertilizados, piensa en lo 'natural' Tipo: Alimentos básicos: frijoles, verduras multicolores, cereales integrales, frutas y frutos secos. Puede incluir carnes magras algunas veces a la semana, prefiera pescado. Minimice el azúcar, la sal y las grasas saturadas / trans. Cantidad: lo que cabe en un plato de 9 ", tres veces al día. La cena es una comida más pequeña. Evite los bocadillos. Tiempo: ayune todos los días durante ~ 13 horas, coma solo la mitad de sus calorías diarias una vez por semana para perder 1 libra por semana Sueño: higiene adecuada del sueño, evitar la cafeína 12 horas antes de acostarse, sin pantallas (TV / teléfono), comience con técnicas de relajación progresiva Tipo: etapa profunda, REM Cantidad: 8.25 horas por noche (óptimamente) Tiempo: use la luz como guía, los mismos tiempos de vigilia / sueño, prepárese para dormir 30-60 minutos antes Elimine el estrés: medite, esté tranquilo en el momento, evite situaciones de estrés planificando con anticipación Tipo: meditación, oración, ejercicios de respiración profunda Cantidad: 10 minutos por la mañana y por la noche, más mini descansos de 1 minuto durante el día, cada hora Tiempo: cuando se levanta y se prepara para dormir, durante actividades estresantes Movimiento: consistente, agradable Tipo: soporte de peso, latido del corazón, movimiento diario Cantidad: Mínimo 150 minutos por semana Duración: 5-6 días a la semana, 2-3 horas después de una comida, series cortas en el momento o mientras espera Tenga en cuenta que cada pilar está lleno de números y parámetros. Esto se debe a que debemos medir para medir el progreso y avanzar. Hay un plan adjunto a cada objetivo, a cada sueño que se hará realidad, y necesitamos vernos en movimiento a lo largo del camino que creamos mientras tomamos decisiones sobre cómo vamos a cuidarnos y vivir nuestras mejores vidas. Se trata de ser conscientes de nosotros mismos y del mundo que nos rodea. No debemos apagarnos. Debemos sintonizarnos. Redondeándolo ¿Por qué son importantes los Cuatro Pilares? Porque sostienen el techo y la bandera. Si los Cuatro Pilares no son fuertes y estables, el techo y la bandera caerán al suelo. Es posible que haya escuchado una versión de la cita: "Sin su salud, nada más importa". Bueno, eso es lo que estamos diciendo aquí. Tenemos que aceptar nuestra existencia física y, para lograr nuestros propósitos aquí, debemos protegernos y nutrirnos. Nuestras mentes y cuerpos solo pueden ser parte del regalo temporal que se nos da, y es nuestra responsabilidad manejarlos con cuidado, gratitud y respeto. De hecho, todas las partes del sistema funcionan de forma sinérgica para crear una imagen completa de la salud: su salud. Si aún no lo ha hecho, consulte Alegría y propósito y Estilo de vida y medio ambiente para ayudarlo a completar el panorama general. Book an Appointment

  • Abdominal Pain | Daily Apple Clinic

    Abdominal Pain Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Abdominal pain can have many causes, some more serious than others. What feels like a stomachache may actually be coming from another organ in your abdomen, or even from outside of your digestive system. Always see your doctor if your pain is unexplained, persistent or severe, or if you have been injured or are pregnant. ​ Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the excellent providers here offer a comprehensive evaluation and effective treatment of abdominal pain for patients of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Abdominal Pain Q & A ​ What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is discomfort anywhere in your belly region - between your ribs and your pelvis. We often think of abdominal pain as “stomach pain” or a “stomachache,” but pain in your abdomen may be coming from other organs, such as your stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas or your small and large intestine. ​ Abdominal pain can take many forms and may be mild or severe, dull or sharp, burning, achy, crampy, constant or intermittent and either localized or generalized. Other symptoms that may accompany abdominal pain are: ​ Nausea and v omiting Diarrhea or constipation Heartburn, b elching and b loating Hemorrhoids Fever ​ What causes abdominal pain? Most causes are temporary and not serious. They may have to do with digestion, menstruation or a passing virus. Some possible causes of your abdominal pain include: ​ Gas and gas pain Overeating Stomach ulcer Indigestion Food poisoning Food allergies or sensitivities Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Appendicitis Diverticulitis Gallstones Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu) Inflammatory bowel disease Hernia Endometriosis Menstrual cramps Ovulation pain ​ The list of possibilities is far longer, but in order to diagnose the condition causing your abdominal pain, your provider at Daily Apple Clinic will ask you detailed questions about your pain and review your medical history to determine whether your pain is temporary and not serious or may require emergency treatment. If the cause isn’t immediately apparent, further work up may include blood, stool, or urine testing. Imaging such as ultrasound, X-rays, a CT or endoscopic studies may also be necessary to diagnose your issue. ​ How can I relieve my abdominal pain? Importantly, if your pain is not going away on its own, you will need to know what is causing it. Abdominal pain has a wide variety of causes and treatments. Some conditions may require surgery while others may be treated with medication. Some illnesses may require patience as you move through a bout of stomach flu or pass a kidney stone. However, if your stomachache is most likely related to digestion, you can begin by trying: ​ Bowel rest: Stop eating, or only eat easy-to-digest foods like crackers or bananas Hydration: Drink plenty of water or a hydration formula Heat therapy: Try a warm water bottle or a soak in a bath Home remedies: Try licorice for gas, ginger for indigestion, or peppermint to help relax your intestinal muscles Diet: Identify and eliminate problem foods from your diet Toxins: Avoid alcohol, medications and illicit drugs that may be causing your pain ​ Abdominal pain lasting more than three days may be a cause for concern. If your abdominal pain is chronic or results from an underlying chronic condition, your provider can help you schedule regular visits at Daily Apple Clinic for ongoing treatment. If you have any questions about any abdominal pain you're currently experiencing, please call us at Daily Apple Clinic for an appointment or book online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Healthshare comparison | Daily Apple Clinic

    Ministerios de salud compartida Esta es una página de prueba para crear una página de comparación de atención médica. empresas / ministerios con información relevante para ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones sobre lo que deseen utilizar. Explicará qué son y qué no son. Incluirá enlaces a artículos que también hayan escrito sobre esto. Dejará que esto sea un resumen y dejará que otros agreguen los detalles. Es necesario experimentar con la hoja de cálculo de Google para ver si el texto se ajusta y las columnas se ajustan

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