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- Nexplanon/IUD | Daily Apple Clinic
Nexplanon/IUD Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Long-term birth control methods can last weeks, months, or even years with little effort on your part - and without surgery. They are safe and effective for most healthy women. These methods offer a consistent way for women to effectively prevent pregnancy. Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs. We offer comprehensive long-term birth control and women’s health services for women of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Primary Care Q & A What are IUDs and Nexplanon? IUDs are small, T-shaped devices placed inside your uterus, after giving you a checkup. A device can remain in place for 3 to 10 years, depending on its type, typically five or six years. Once the IUD is in place and you are experiencing no side effects, you don’t have to do anything else to prevent pregnancy. They are about 20 times more effective than pills, patches, or rings. Fewer than 1 in 100 women become pregnant during their first year on the IUD. Some IUDs release hormones and others are made of copper. The hormonal IUDs release the hormone progestin which prevents sperm from entering the cervix. These hormones can cause irregular periods during the first six months of use. The copper IUDs do not use hormones. Rather, the copper acts as a spermicide and usually has less effect on a woman's menstrual cycle. The Nexplanon implant is a small, thin, flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is inserted under the skin of your upper, non-dominant arm. It slowly releases progesterone into your body in the same way the hormonal IUDs do. It typically works for up to three years and is as effective as the IUD. Some women may have irregular bleeding initially, but typically periods become lighter and less frequent. Why might I need long-term birth control? While oral contraceptive pills are one of the most popular forms of birth control, they only work if people take them as directed. The pill can be more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but, with typical use, effectiveness falls below 95%. However, user error is not a problem for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). These devices are more than 99% effective without requiring the person using them to remember to take medication once they are in place. As well as being the most effective, reversible method of reducing unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions, LARCs can also reduce or even eliminate monthly periods, manage the symptoms of endometriosis, and can even be used as a form of emergency contraception. What should I expect during a visit for long-term birth control? When you arrive at Daily Apple Clinic for Nexplanon or IUD appointments, you will need to come to the clinic for several visits. For IUDs, your first visit will be a time for you to receive an initial physical exam in order to visualize the cervix and assess for structural problems or disease. Your provider will discuss how your device will work and any possible side effects you may experience from the device or the actual insertion. When you and your provider have agreed that you would like to proceed, a device will be ordered for you. You will schedule a follow up appointment for the insertion after the device has arrived and any necessary payment has been made. Nexplanon and IUDs are usually placed during the early part of your menstrual cycle. You will likely be asked to take some pain medicine prior to your visit. After the insertion, you will then typically return to the clinic a week or so later for a follow up visit to make sure you are not experiencing any unmanageable side effects and to answer any follow-up questions you may have. Which long-term birth control is right for me? If you have questions about Nexplanon or IUDs, Daily Apple Clinic offers long-term birth control consultations to discuss the details of the best approach for your particular needs. We will review your medical history, family planning goals and conduct a complete physical exam to help you choose the best method for you. To learn more about Nexplanon and IUD services at Daily Apple Clinic and determine if you’re a good candidate for one of these long-term birth control methods, please schedule a consultation by phone or book an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info
- Pre-Paid Plans | Daily Apple Clinic
Elige tu plan de precios Adult, 18-65 years US$ 100 100US$ Cada mes Elegir Access to all Daily Apple Clinic Services
- Weight Loss | Daily Apple Clinic
Medical Weight Loss Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Being overweight can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Having a higher weight can increase the risk of a variety of health problems, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression. Being overweight can also reduce your quality of life. One study found that obesity can also shorten one's lifespan by as much as fourteen years. Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to lose weight on your own, Daily Apple Clinic offers highly effective medical weight loss treatments for adults of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Weight Loss Q & A What is medical weight loss? Medical weight loss is the process of losing weight with the help and guidance of a healthcare professional. The medical provider uses their knowledge and medical experience to help the person attempting to lose weight create a realistic plan that meets their unique needs and circumstances. Your weight loss specialist will offer a variety of weight loss services to help you safely and effectively reach your goal weight. They will monitor your progress, keep an eye on your overall health and can help you manage chronic diseases. What are the benefits of medical weight loss? Losing weight via a medical weight loss program can lower your risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and other life-altering conditions. It can be the beginning of a journey toward a healthier lifestyle, relief from the burden and stigma of carrying those extra pounds and the ultimate outcome of a happier you. Some of the many benefits of medical weight loss at Daily Apple Clinic include: Effective, long-lasting weight loss More energy Reduced joint pain and risk of arthritis Chronic disease management Lower risk of disease Self-confidence Less depression, improved mood Medical weight loss includes more than just diet and exercise counseling. Our goal at Daily Apple Clinic is to determine the root cause of stalled weight loss goals and to help you find a new path in achieving the results you are hoping for. What happens during a medical weight loss appointment? When you arrive at the Daily Apple Clinic for a weight loss appointment, compassionate staff members will assess your weight, vital signs, BMI and body composition. You will meet with a medical provider who will conduct a physical exam and discuss your best options based on your history, clinical parameters and goals. Your provider will review your current diet and exercise patterns, lifestyle, and complete health history. Blood will be drawn for labs. Your provider may also recommend other diagnostic tests to detect or rule out important medical problems before developing a customized weight loss plan. What will my weight loss plan look like? Your personalized medical weight loss plan at Daily Apple Clinic may include the following: Diet counseling Exercise counseling Custom meal plans Dietary supplements Meal replacements Medications Hormone treatments Your weight loss provider also offers convenient virtual telehealth visits if you would like to follow up with your specialist from time to time from the comfort of your home or office. How often should I schedule weight loss appointments? You can expect to lose 1-2 pounds weekly with Daily Apple Clinic’s medical weight loss program. We will schedule follow-up visits every week or two initially and less often after that. Of course, you can always book an appointment whenever you have questions or concerns about your health. If you are experiencing unplanned weight gain, excess weight, or obesity, please visit us at Daily Apple Clinic for a weight loss evaluation. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info
- Washington Park | Daily Apple Clinic
Norte de Denver El mejor cuidado Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fácil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí para agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Siéntase libre de arrastrarme y soltarme en cualquier lugar que desee en su página. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y les hagas saber a tus usuarios un poco más sobre ti. Este es un gran espacio para escribir textos extensos sobre su empresa y sus servicios. Puede utilizar este espacio para entrar en más detalles sobre su empresa. Habla sobre tu equipo y los servicios que brindas. Cuente a sus visitantes la historia de cómo se le ocurrió la idea para su negocio y qué lo diferencia de sus competidores. Haga que su empresa se destaque y muestre a sus visitantes quién es usted. Reservar una cita Programe en línea. Es fácil, rápido y seguro.
- OUR TEAM | Daily Apple Clinic
Grandes proveedores ... Gran cuidado Paul Reynolds, FNP Graduado de la Universidad de Dakota del Norte. Le encanta estar al aire libre en su bicicleta de neumáticos gruesos o en senderos de escalada. El habla español. Es una persona profundamente curiosa y se mantiene ocupado haciendo que DAC sea lo mejor posible. Monica Schonteich, FNP Graduado de la Universidad de Dakota del Norte. Artista talentosa, le encanta leer y tejer personajes únicos. Ella es una hablante nativa de español de Chile. Tiene un gran corazón y es muy querida por sus pacientes. Monica Schonteich, FNP Graduado de la Universidad de Dakota del Norte. Artista talentosa, le encanta leer y tejer personajes únicos. Ella es una hablante nativa de español de Chile. Tiene un gran corazón y es muy querida por sus pacientes.
- Legal Notices | Daily Apple Clinic
Legal Notices At Daily Apple Clinic, we do our best to treat people with kindness and respect as we protect our patients and provide the very best care we possibly can. Please click on the button below to find the standard disclaimers and legal requirements that explain what the website is for, how cookies work and our privacy policy. Hopefully, they will clarify these issues for you. Thanks Legal Notices
- Education | Daily Apple Clinic
Educación Creemos en el aprendizaje. "Busque la verdad, conozca la verdad, viva la verdad, comparta la verdad". El filósofo griego Sócrates dijo: "Una vida sin examen no merece la pena ser vivida". Es así que nuestro objetivo es proporcionar una mayor comprensión de los principios y fundamentos clave para una buena salud. Intentaremos compartir lo mejor de lo que hemos descubierto y hacerlo de manera interesante, atractiva, útil y accesible. Háganos saber si hay algo en particular que le gustaría que investiguemos y haremos todo lo posible para brindarle la mejor información que podamos encontrar. Consulte los siguientes enlaces. Felicidad Defining Quality of Life: A Wild-Goose Chase? | Barcaccia | Europe’s Journal of Psychology Sam Adams founder: Unless you're a sociopath, being happy is better than being rich Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | TED Talk | A Formula for Happiness - The New York Times World Happiness Report 2018 | World Happiness Report 25 Habits for Improving the Quality of your Life | Wanderlust Worker Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and its surprises | TED Talk | A Better Kind of Happiness - The New Yorker The Power of Positive People - The New York Times 2018’s Happiest States in America The happiest and healthiest states in the US, ranked Best states for happiness? WalletHub study ranks Hawaii first, West Virginia last Hawaii Tops U.S. in Wellbeing for Record 7th Time Japan May Have Worked Out The Secret Formula For A Happy Life | HuffPost The secret to happiness is shockingly mundane | New York Post Jeff Bezos: Ask yourself these 12 questions to live a long, happy life This 60-Second Habit Has Helped Put Me In a Better, More Productive Mood Each Morning | 7 Global Stories From The 2010s That Bring Joy: Kite Ki1 Toilet party! Goat Resc : Goats and Soda : NPR 20 Ways To Be A Happier Person In 2020, According To Therapists | HuffPost Life Cuddling with your partner does something very surprising to your health Tristeza There Are 3 Key Times in Life When You Are The Most Lonely, Study Shows 7 Thoughts That Are Bad For You LiveScience Is everything you think you know about depression wrong? | Society | The Guardian Young People Are Lonelier Than Their Elders : Shots - Health News : NPR Nutrición y Obesidad Dean Ornish: heart doctor with a diet that reverses heart disease How to Improve Gut Health Using Nutritional Momentum| Well+Good Want To Lose Weight? Don't Diet, Say Researchers Eat Smart, Move More NC Plant-Based Diets as Medicine: Food for Thought The shocking truth about losing weight Inaccurate obesity reports by medical residents require intervention Endocrinology Association of Exposure to High Rates of Obesity With Overweight and Obesity | Obesity | JAMA Pediatrics | The JAMA Network Colorado Springs Residents Least Likely to Be Obese Obesity Rates & Trends Overview - The State of Obesity USPSTF Sticks With Behavioral Approaches Only for Obesity Doctors Should Send Obese Patients To Diet Counseling, Panel Says. But Many Don't : The Salt : NPR Losing 120 pounds with keto and the right mindset - Diet Doctor 600+ Low-Carb Recipes - Delicious, Easy Meals at Any Time - Diet Doctor Low-Carb Vegetables - Visual Guide to the Best and Worst - Diet Doctor Fasting myths - Diet Doctor More Than Half of Physicians and Nurses Say Obesity Is a Disease Why Am I Not Losing Weight? | HuffPost Life 8 weight loss tips proven by science - Healthista The Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease - YouTube UnDo It With Ornish | Ornish Lifestyle Medicine 'What We're Eating Is Killing Us' - Global Nutrition Report Can Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? Only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, study finds Obesity: How to Diagnose and Treat an Epidemic Why Food Could Be the Best Medicine of All | Time What we aren't eating is killing us, global study finds - CNN How black women are walking away from the obesity epidemic - CNN Millions of cardiovascular deaths attributed to not eating enough fruits and vegetables | EurekAlert! Science News "Greeting from both myself and my Microbiome" - Dr Rangan Chatterjee - Cytoplan Why The Microbiome Diet Is Healthy For Everyone - mindbodygreen Great article on gut microbiome Nutritionist says premature death is preventable with this diet | Fox Business The Truth Behind What Intermittent Fasting Does to Your Body | Inverse How Intermittent Fasting Could Help You Live Longer and Better | Inverse Opinion | Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us - The New York Times Wellness journal by Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken could improve diet, mood, sleep and strength | Daily Mail Online What Is the Dubrow Diet? | Food Network Healthy Eats: Recipes, Ideas, and Food News | Food Network 12 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat Naturally | Power of Positivity Health Experts agree on 5 food types to eat daily for happiness and health | Inverse The best way to lose weight boils down to these three things How to lose weight: Doctor shares daily dozen checklist for healthy weight loss Addicted To Sugar? This Doctor Says It's 'The New Tobacco' | Here & Now 7 Intermittent Fasting Benefits That Aren’t Weight Loss Intermittent fasting might be one of the only fad diets backed by actual science The Mediterranean diet: a guide to recipes, shopping list and more Mediterranean diet scores another win for longevity by improving microbiome - CNN How to lose weight, according to a dietitian Extreme Weight Loss: Patients Shed Serious Pounds Kayla Itsines' BBG Workout And Mindful Eating Helped Me Lose Weight Intermittent fasting: Surprising update - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing What Does 'Clean Eating' Mean, Anyway? | Food Network Healthy Eats: Recipes, Ideas, and Food News | Food Network Actividad Física Harvard Health: 5 of the best exercises you can ever do Mayo Clinic: 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity Best exercise for longevity What kind of physical exercise can help you stay young? Exercise May Stop Your Body From Aging Being Fit May Be as Good for You as Not Smoking - The New York Times Exercise And Yoga Can Ease Chronic Pain Better Than Drugs : Shots - Health News : NPR New study says not exercising is pretty much the worst thing you can possibly do – BGR Exercise, Depression, and Anxiety: The Evidence New science shows the power of the pushup — Quartz Regular Exercise May Keep Your Body 30 Years ‘Younger’ When Is the Best Time to Work Out? Body Clock Study Offers New Insights | Inverse Why the world is obsessed with heart rate-monitoring workout Orangetheory - Business Insider 61-year-old CEO shares his tips for staying fit at any age - YouTube Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Long-term Mortality Among Adults Undergoing Exercise Treadmill Testing | Cardiology | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network 10,000 Steps Per Day? Fitness Trackers Push It, But How Many Do You Really Need? : Shots - Health News : NPR Taking up exercise in middle age slashes your risk of an early death | Daily Mail Online Margot Robbie's personal trainer on exactly how to get a Hollywood body - Healthista A Better Measure of Health Than Body Weight - The Atlantic Estilos de Vida How Meditation Might Help Your Winter Workouts - The New York Times Why Being Popular Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be with Professor Mitch Prinstein - Dr Rangan Chatterjee Can a 70-Year-Old Have the Arteries of a 20-Year-Old? The Power of Community with The Happy Pear - Dr Rangan Chatterjee Green Space & Health: Why Living Near A Park Makes You Healthier Health Coaching Dramatically Lowers Patients' Systolic Blood Pressure -- AAFP News Now -- American Academy of Family Physicians How Much Is Too Much? How To Find The Line Between Healthy Habits & Numbing Behavior - Healthy lifestyle education 2019 Health & Wellness Trends: 11 Trends To Watch - mindbodygreen Survive Life's Deepest Stresses With These 8 Skills : Shots - Health News : NPR 'Being rich' is an empty goal, says The Financial Diet - Business Insider About mindbodygreen - mindbodygreen Episode 30: Mindfulness Instead of Medication with Danny Penman - Dr Rangan Chatterjee What Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger learned about life at age 7 This Is the Exact Amount of Time You Should Spend in Nature Each Week, New Study Finds | Why Time With Friends Is So Good for Your Health | Time Billionaire Warren Buffett: This is the most important thing in life Duluth physician prescribes changing lifestyles for better health | Duluth News Tribune Longevidad Blue Zones: places on earth where the most centenarians live and how they live so well and for so long A Harvard study says these 5 habits may help you live 10 years longer 5 habits that can add years to your patient’s life These five habits will lengthen your lifespan 9 Secrets To Living Longer 5 ways to extend your life expectancy by a decade - CNN 129: Dr. Frank Lipman - The Truth About Getting Old • Finding Passion And Meaning In Your Life (You Don't Need To Quit Your Job) Ancestry releases longevity study from partnership with Google startup Calico Anti-aging | A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Younger You have two ages, chronological and biological. Here's why it matters - CNN Your Body Has Its Own Age & It Says A Lot About Your Health - mindbodygreen Optimize your social connections for longevity - Blue Zones Exceptional Longevity: Study Reveals Optimism Is the Key to a Long Life | Inverse Optimists Live Longer, Study Finds — And A Positive Outlook Is Teachable : Shots - Health News : NPR The Longevity Diet: What to Eat to Live Longer and Healthier - Health For Healthy New Year's Habits, Learn From The World's Longest-Lived Peoples : Shots - Health News : NPR Longevity tips you should know for living a longer, healthy life | Well+Good World's new oldest man, 111, who retired 55 years ago has a cheeky message for Her Majesty | Daily Mail Online These 5 habits can give you a longer, healthier life | World Economic Forum Living to 100 comes down to these 5 things, according to a dietician Longevity nutrition tips from Blue Zones communities | Well+Good Optimism, friendship and tidy socks – the secret to living to 100 | Life and style | The Guardian Dr. Michel Poulain - Blue Zones Propósito Why we do what we do | Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness - The Atlantic Answer 6 Questions to Reveal Your Life Purpose – Benedict Insurance Group If You’re Searching for Purpose, Ask Yourself These 5 Questions 27 Questions to Reveal Your Purpose - UST 10 Deep Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose 6 Great Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life - Answer 5 Questions And You'll Know Your Life Purpose Discover Your Purpose - Robert Holden How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot Answer These 6 Questions To Reveal Your Life Purpose - Career Point Kenya Self-made millionaire Scott Galloway: Why you shouldn't follow passion The origins of the universe facts and information Having a Purpose In Life May Lessen The Risk Of Early Death : Shots - Health News : NPR A sense of purpose could prolong your life — Quartz The Case for Conscientiousness: Evidence and Implications for a Personality Trait Marker of Health and Longevity Want More Meaning From Your Work? 5 Ways Generosity Is Key PETER CRONE Dormir Wake up, America: You're fooling yourself about sleep, study says - CNN One simple way to reduce high blood pressure — along with the risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular disease and strokes - MarketWatch Sleep deprivation kills more than 3000 Australians every year: report Night Shifts and Unhealthy Lifestyle Combine to Up Risk of Diabetes Why circadian rhythm fasting is the new intermittent fasting | Well+Good Effects of cardiac rehabilitation with and without meditation on myocardial blood flow using quantitative positron emission tomography: A pilot study | SpringerLink
- UTIs | Daily Apple Clinic
Urinary Tract Infections Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Urinary tract infections are common, occurring in about 20% of women sometime during their lives. Each year, 8 to 10 million visits to doctors are for urinary tract infections. UTIs should be treated promptly or the infection may spread to the kidneys and cause permanent damage. While b oth women and men are susceptible, women are more likely to develop a UTI since they have a shorter urethra than men. At Daily Apple Clinic in Congress Park of Denver, Colorado, Paul Reynolds, FNP, Monica Schonteich, FNP, and the providers here can quickly and accurately diagnose urinary tract infections using a brief in-office test. Once you are diagnosed, they can then prescribe medication that should provide effective symptom relief. To book an appointment for a possible UTI, call Daily Apple Clinic or book online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Urinary Tract Infection Q & A What is a urinary tract infection? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system. The urinary tract makes and stores urine and includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Your urine typically doesn't contain bacteria, however bacteria can enter the urinary system from outside the body and cause infection and inflammation. If the infection spreads from the urethra all the way to the kidneys, the infection can become more serious. What are the symptoms of a urinary tract infection? The inflammation caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI) may cause any of the following symptoms: Burning sensation when urinating Trouble forcing urination Strong, persistent urge to urinate Overactive bladder Passing frequent, small amounts of urine Pelvic or abdominal pain Blood in your urine (red/pink) Urinary incontinence Cloudy urine Unusually foul smell from your urine If the infection becomes severe and progresses to the kidneys, it may cause systemic symptoms to include: fever, chills, vomiting, and pain in your back or side. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek medical help right away. How are urinary tract infections diagnosed? Daily Apple Clinic offers on-site testing for urinary tract infections with immediate, accurate results. You will provide a urine sample in the clinic, and results are available as soon as the clinician has completed the test. The test will examine the urine for red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, and enzymes associated with specific bacteria. If these components are found in large enough quantities they may indicate an infection. If your infection does not respond to treatment your provider may recommend ultrasound, cystoscopy or a CT scan in order to create images of your urinary tract and examine it in more detail. How are urinary tract infections treated? If a urinalysis confirms the presence of an infection, your provider will prescribe antibiotics to treat your UTI. Your symptoms should clear within a few days. As always, antibiotics should be taken until the prescription is finished. Some commonly prescribed antibiotics include: Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Augmentin) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Levofloxacin (Levaquin) Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin, Macrodantin) Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra) Your provider will also usually prescribe a medication for a few days that will reduce the pain associated with the inflammation from the infection. If you are susceptible to urinary tract infections, be careful to practice good personal hygiene, especially for women. Drink plenty of fluids every day and urinate immediately after sex. Use water-based lubricants to avoid vaginal dryness and avoid tight fitting clothing, preferring cotton over other fabrics. If you have symptoms indicating you may have a urinary tract infection, please book an appointment. Call Daily Apple Clinic or schedule one online to get relief as soon as possible. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info
- Joy and Purpose | Daily Apple Clinic
Alegría y propósito For Us… It’s About You Our primary goal is to help you do two things: experience daily joy and live out your best purposes. If you cannot discover - or you lose - your joy and sense of purpose, you will be anxious, worried, and stressed. When you are under stress, you cannot sleep, rest, heal and grow. Without proper rest, you cannot feel refreshed and ready for new mental and physical activities. Lacking exercise and purposeful activities, you will not eat and drink properly, and your body cannot function as designed. Vemos a todas las personas como íntegras y valiosas. Creemos que nuestro trabajo más importante como profesionales de la salud es ayudarlo a encontrar su alegría y propósito para ayudarlo a optimizar su potencial de por vida. Mantener su salud física es obviamente necesario, pero es secundario a este objetivo general. Por lo tanto, respire profundo y relájese ... si parece que no está funcionando correctamente, haremos todo lo posible para ayudarlo a superar las inevitables dolencias en el camino y volver a las verdaderas prioridades de su vida. ¿Cómo puedes encontrar tu alegría? Lo crea o no ... encontrar la felicidad es una parte increíblemente importante de su viaje. Cuando estás feliz, lo más probable es que estés en el lugar que es mejor para ti, con las personas que son mejores para ti y haciendo las cosas que son mejores para ti. Y, aunque cada viaje es diferente, empleamos un sistema muy eficaz para ayudarlo a encontrar su alegría. Qué hacemos: Evaluamos sus circunstancias utilizando un conjunto de criterios diseñados para medir las cosas que hacen felices a las personas, y trabajamos junto con usted para ayudarlo a optimizar su situación. Te ayudamos a tomar decisiones sabias y saludables, para que construyas una base de acciones saludables, aprendas a ver el mundo de una manera más positiva y permitas que tu alegría aumente de manera constante. Con tus elecciones crearás una vida en la que respirarás profundamente, disfrutarás cada día y aumentarás tu satisfacción en el momento. Experimentar la felicidad es un proceso que dura toda la vida: ambos deben elegir hacerlo y practicarlo todos los días. Requiere un esfuerzo constante a medida que cambia para mejorar. En el futuro, descubrirá que la actitud realmente importa. Si mira hacia atrás, descubrirá que vivir una vida feliz siempre dependió de usted. ¿Cómo encontramos nuestros propósitos? No se deje engañar. La vida es un regalo. Comienza en la concepción y continúa desarrollándose y revelándose hasta que morimos. El amor es un regalo. Forma todo lo bueno, y no existiríamos sin él. Mientras estamos en esta tierra, podemos encontrar un propósito y experimentar gozo al devolver los dones que se nos han dado. Podemos hacer esto amándonos unos a otros, ayudándonos unos a otros y tratando de entendernos unos a otros. Empiece por intentar esto: piense en su vida y, sin compararse con los demás, responda estas cinco preguntas: ¿Dónde encuentro una profunda satisfacción? ¿Cómo me siento más vivo? ¿Cuándo experimento una alegría tremenda? ¿Cuándo me siento más apreciado o valorado? ¿Qué cosas necesarias hago por los demás en las que soy bueno y me apasiona? (Escriba sus respuestas. Pueden superponerse o constar de más de una idea o área). A medida que responda estas preguntas y recopile los resultados, no solo obtendrá una idea de cuáles son sus dones, sino que tendrá un nuevo sentido de cómo compartirlos con los demás. Se formará una imagen de la persona que eres y la persona que quieres ser. Con este simple ejercicio, comenzará a descubrir su razón de ser y su propio "por qué" personal. Una analogía Imagínese esto ... una casa que se asienta sobre una base sólida con cuatro pilares fuertes en las esquinas de esa base. Los pilares sostienen un techo que sostiene un asta de bandera y una bandera ondeando al viento. Alrededor de la casa está el barrio y el entorno natural donde se planta la casa. Más allá del barrio está el mundo en el que vive la casa. Esa casa ... eres tú. Para explicar la metáfora: el techo es su alegría que lo protege fielmente de los elementos, y la bandera en el asta de la bandera, erguida sobre el techo, es su sentido de propósito ondeando en la brisa. La clave es darse cuenta de que el techo y la bandera impulsan todos los comportamientos saludables. No querrá fortalecer sus pilares sin que su alegría y propósito estén bien establecidos en su corazón y mente. No pensará que tiene una razón para mantenerse saludable a menos que esté persiguiendo sus objetivos de vida. Debe estar haciendo las cosas que estaba destinado a hacer con profundo gozo. Eso significa sonreír, reír y reír entre dientes tan a menudo como sea posible mientras hace las cosas que ama. Próximos pasos Una vez que haya probado el ejercicio anterior, consulte las páginas Los cuatro pilares y Estilo de vida y medio ambiente para ver cómo encaja la imagen completa. Reservar una cita
- Mental Health | Daily Apple Clinic
Mental Health Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Sadly, many of us often don’t assign the same level of importance to a mental health checkup as we would a physical checkup. This is often due to negative connotations associated with visiting a mental health professional. However, your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical health. By identifying early signs of depression, anxiety, mood changes or uncomfortable thoughts or emotions, they can be treated effectively, and more serious consequences and events can usually be avoided. Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs, educate you about your diagnosis and craft an individualized treatment plan. To explore the mental health services available at Daily Apple Clinic, call the office or schedule a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Mental Health Q & A What is Mental Health? According to, mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. It is a complex part of your wellbeing that includes your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and social interactions. It may seem to have little to do with your physical health on the surface, but the two impact each other in significant ways. What are some signs that I need mental health care? Many mental health conditions can affect you at any age; some are short-lived, some are intermittent, and others are lifelong. Dr. Stephanie Pituc, a licensed psychologist at North Memorial Health, recommends seeking mental health support if you experience the following common signs and symptoms: Sleeping problems Spontaneous change in appetite Moods change often or not often enough Excessive fear Physical signs of stress Frayed relationships Easily irritated Changes in behavior Losing a sense of identity and purpose Trouble with resilience and bouncing back There are many other possible symptoms. Try to be mindful of your emotions, behaviors, and your overall function to help you notice changes as they occur. Daily Apple Clinic offers comprehensive mental health evaluations and can diagnose many of the most common mental illnesses. Please make an appointment for a consultation to see if we can help. What are some common mental health conditions? After making a diagnosis, Daily Apple Clinic works with you to manage your mental health condition. A few of the conditions they specialize in managing are: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically appears in childhood and can manifest in adulthood. T here are two general categories of ADHD symptoms: hyperactive and inattentive. Hyperactive symptoms include: trouble sitting still, talking or interrupting others, whereas inattentive symptoms may include problems with organization and daydreaming. Depression: Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a common yet serious mental illness. Patients with this diagnosis may experience ongoing low mood, low energy, loss of interest in usual passions, feelings of worthlessness, and even thoughts of suicide. Anxiety: Anxiety disorders go beyond the scope of day-to-day worries. Patients with an anxiety disorder often experience worries and fears that influence and control their decisions and behaviors. Symptoms and complications may include: irritability, muscle tension, fatigue, restlessness, and poor sleep. How can I manage my mental health? Managing your mental health is inherently challenging to handle on your own; however, professional help from Daily Apple Clinic can get you back to feeling like yourself and functioning at full capacity in order to realize your potential again. Usually, treatment for mental health conditions involves a tailored combination of: Lifestyle changes: Making changes to your daily and weekly routines by building consistent patterns that create a more purposeful focus, which can have a significant positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Your provider may suggest dietary changes, educational tools, sleep programming or stress relief strategies. Counseling: Psychological counseling can help you learn to recognize and change your patterns in thinking. Benefits may include: improved communication and interpersonal skills, greater self-acceptance, a new ability to change self-defeating behaviors, better expression and management of emotions, better stress management, improved problem-solving and conflict resolution skills, and a greater sense of self and purpose. Medication: There are a variety of medications available for mental health conditions, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, antipsychotics, and stimulants for ADHD management. If you’re interested in a mental health evaluation, or assistance with the symptoms we have described here, please call Daily Apple Clinic or book an appointment online today. 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- Extra Stuff | Daily Apple Clinic
595 S. Clinton St. STE 201, Denver, CO 80247 Tel: 971-218-9062 Atención médica de espectro completo para su familia Planes de salud Aceptamos Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Deja que tus usuarios te conozcan. > Leer más Pruebas de laboratorio y radiografías en el punto de atención Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Deja que tus usuarios te conozcan. > Leer más Medicamentos que necesita en el momento de la visita Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Deja que tus usuarios te conozcan. > Leer más Suscríbase a nuestro boletín Ya sabes que hacer. Nunca compartimos su información. Pero, permítanos compartir nuestras noticias mensuales suscribiéndose. Gracias. Subscribe Now
- Congress Park | Daily Apple Clinic
Ubicaciones: Congress Park DAC - Parque de Congresos Congress Park es un vecindario vibrante y próspero ubicado en el centro-norte de Denver, cerca de Jewish Hospital, con Rose Hospital cerca. Encontrará todo tipo de tiendas imaginables y Congress Park se considera uno de los vecindarios más seguros de Denver. El vecindario cuenta con excelentes escuelas y parques. El área está delimitada por Colorado Blvd., Colfax Ave., York St. al oeste y 6th Ave al sur. El centro de la ciudad de Denver, el parque de la ciudad, el parque Cheesman, los jardines botánicos y el centro comercial Cherry Creek están a tiro de piedra. Enlaces a otros sitios web de Congress Park:,_Denver