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  • ENT Problems | Daily Apple Clinic

    ENT Problems Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Taste, smell, speaking, singing and listening to music are all aspects of our lives that make them rich and joyful to experience. Getting a good night's sleep, swallowing your favorite foods and taking a deep breath of fresh air through clear sinuses truly make life possible. When these functions are impaired, our living is truly diminished. Experiencing ear, nose, and throat problems can be irritating at best and debilitating at worst. ​ Located in Congress Park of Denver, Colorado, Daily Apple Clinic provides the testing and treatment necessary to manage any medical complications involving your ears, nose, or throat, including infections. Paul Reynolds, FNP, Monica Schonteich, FNP, and the experienced providers here will tailor your individualized treatment plan so you can clear an infection, breathe easier, and fall asleep faster. To book an appointment for an ear, nose, and throat problem, call the Daily Apple Clinic or book online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Ear, Nose, & Throat Problems Q & A ​ What are ear, nose, and throat problems? Ear, nose, and throat problems are diverse, and you’ll likely experience them from time to time. Symptoms often associated with ear, nose, and throat problems may include: ​ Sinus problems or pain Sore throat Enlarged tonsils Sleep problems Hearing issues Enlarged lymph nodes Earache Runny or stuffy nose Nose bleeds Snoring Balance issues Fatigue Sensory issues with taste or smell Fever ​ Daily Apple Clinic will evaluate your symptoms and determine what may be causing your ear, nose, and throat problems. They will discuss options with you and may consider point-of-care testing, including rapid strep or flu prior to creating a treatment plan. Complex cases may require referral to an outside ENT, Sleep specialist or surgeon. ​ What are some common ear, nose, and throat problems? Daily Apple Clinic diagnoses and treats many of the most common ear, nose, and throat problems, including: ​ Ear infections: Ear infections can be bacterial or viral and usually start in the middle ear. Due to inflammation and fluid behind your eardrum, you may experience ear pain or a sensation of pressure in the ear. Ear infections often develop due to allergies, the common cold, smoking, and sinus infections. Sinus infections: Sinus infections are a common ear, nose, and throat problem. They are caused by inflammation in the sinus cavities in your face. You may experience headaches or facial pain and pressure along with nasal congestion and a runny nose as a result of your sinus infection. Strep throat: Strep throat is a serious and painful bacterial infection and possible cause of a sore throat. Your medical provider may recognize very specific symptoms due to this type of infection and order an antibiotic. ​ How are ear, nose, and throat problems treated? Common ear, nose and throat problems and typical treatments are described below. Always remember to seek treatment for these conditions to achieve better outcomes and so any infection isn't spread or becomes worse. ​ Common ear conditions Ear infections: watchful waiting, antibiotics may be necessary if the infection is bacterial Wax or discharge: possible sign of infection, wax may need to be removed and antibiotics may be necessary for bacterial infections. Tinnitus: ringing or buzzing in the ear, deconditioning, hearing aids may help Hearing loss: hearing aids Common nose problems Coughs and colds: fluids and rest, over-the-counter treatments Nose bleeds: apply pressure until the bleeding stops, see your provider if they are more frequent Sinusitis and rhinitis: over-the-counter nasal sprays, steroid nasal sprays and antibiotics for ongoing conditions ​ Common throat problems Sore throat: over-the-counter pain relief, increase fluid intake, may need antibiotics for bacterial infections. Hoarseness: possible infection, often viral, may be caused by voice strain, start with rest and warm liquids. Tonsillitis: as other throat infections, may require tonsillectomy to prevent frequent infections Bad breath: possible infection, consider antibiotics or dentist if gums and teeth are affected ​ Ear, nose and throat symptoms can be complex and may require experienced help from a professional. Daily Apple Clinic creates treatment plans on a case-by-case basis and may recommend treatment strategies such as ear drops, nasal decongestant spray, antihistamines, or corticosteroids. ​ If you’re experiencing symptoms of nasal congestion, earache, or a sore throat, please book an appointment by calling the office or make an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • CONTACT US | Daily Apple Clinic

    Contáctenos Daily Apple Clinic 3570 E. 12th Ave. Suite 203 Denver CO 80206 Tel: 720-593-8989 Fax: 720-778-3369 Enviar ¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

  • Medications, On Site | Daily Apple Clinic

    Creemos en el valor y la conveniencia. Guau. De Verdad? Quien hace eso Sí. Hacemos. Como beneficio adicional para nuestros pacientes, proporcionamos muchos medicamentos de uso común a nuestro costo (requisito legal). Los compramos a mayoristas y los mantenemos a mano si los necesita cuando venga de visita. Si le permite ahorrar dinero o se lo pone más fácil, puede aprovechar el servicio. Por supuesto, los medicamentos también se pueden recetar electrónicamente a su farmacia o entregarse en su hogar por una tarifa adicional. A continuación, se muestran algunos ejemplos de medicamentos que tenemos disponibles: Medicamentos orales Amoxicilina 500 mg: $ 0.22 / tableta Augmentin® 875 mg: $ 1.06 / tableta Azitromicina (Z-Pak®) 250 mg: $ 6.73 / paquete (6) Cefalexina (Keflex®) 500 mg: $ 0.51 / tableta Ciprofloxacina 500 mg: $ 0.27 / tableta Levofloxacina (Levaquin®) 500 mg: $ 0.34 / tableta Gotas para los ojos de tobramicina 3 mg / ml 5 ml: $ 8.58 / botella Fluconazol (Diflucan®) 150 mg: $ 2.02 / tableta Metformina 500 mg: $ 0.08 / tableta Omeprazol (Prilosec®) 20 mg: $ 0.19 / tableta ZofranODT® 4 mg: $ 0.75 / tableta Prednisona 20 mg: $ 0.31 / tableta Inhalador VentolinHFA® (Albuterol) 90ug: $ 31.56 / inhalador Atorvastatina 40 mg: $ .25 / tableta Levotiroxina 10 mcg: $ .76 / tableta Lisinopril 20 mg: $ .15 / tableta HCTZ 25 mg: $ .07 / tableta Amlodipino 5 mg: $ .05 / tableta Tartrato de metoprolol 50 mg: $ .06 / tableta Lexapro® (Escitalopram) 10 mg: $ .26 / tableta Paxil® (paroxetina) 10 mg: $ .09 / tableta Zoloft® (sertralina) 100 mg: $ 17.21 / tableta Ibuprofeno 800 mg: $ .26 / tableta Ciclobenzaprina (Flexeril®) 10 mg: $ 0.05 / tableta Vacunas y medicamentos inyectables Ceftriaxona (Rocephin®), 1 g: $ 2.75 Difenhidramina (Benadryl®), 50 mg: $ 1.77 Ketorolaco (Toradol®), 60 mg: $ 2.56 Lidocaína al 2%, 5 ml: $ .44 (incluido en el costo del procedimiento) Vacuna contra el tétanos: 21,91 dólares Gripe: $ 16,34 Influenza, dosis alta,> 65 años: $ 49.74 Pneumovax® 23: $ 105.20 Prevnar 13: $ 208,32 Shingrix: $ 151.41 Las tarifas están sujetas a cambios. Los medicamentos enumerados anteriormente son una muestra de lo que tenemos en existencia actualmente. Podemos cotizar precios y almacenar casi cualquier medicamento que pueda estar tomando un paciente. Los medicamentos orales están sujetos a una tarifa de almacenamiento y dispensación de $ 10.00 por artículo, por medicamento. Los inyectables están sujetos a una tarifa de administración de $ 29.00 por inyección. Los medicamentos solo se pueden dispensar a un paciente que está bajo el cuidado de un proveedor de la clínica (es decir, no podemos surtir recetas escritas por un proveedor externo). FYI: No permitimos que los representantes farmacéuticos soliciten recetas a cambio de un almuerzo "gratis" y no proporcionamos muestras de medicamentos gratis debido al conflicto de intereses. Recuerda: No guardamos sustancias controladas en la propiedad y rara vez las recetamos. Simplemente no encajan con nuestra filosofía y misión.

  • Men's Health | Daily Apple Clinic

    Men's Health Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Both men and women experience the same common diseases: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression and STI's. In this article, we will focus more specifically on one issue concerning sexual performance in men: erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems. Problems having or maintaining an erection can be a risk factor for heart disease and may also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED), please visit us at Daily Apple Clinic in Congress Park of Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP, Monica Schonteich, FNP, and their experienced team can offer medications and proven medical treatments to improve your sexual performance and overall health. Please call the clinic to learn more or book an appointment online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Men's Health Q & A ​ What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED or impotence, is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Having difficulty with an erection from time to time isn't always a cause for concern, but it often is a source of embarrassment. Treatment may include focusing on an underlying issue, or medications and more direct treatments may be more appropriate. ​ What are the risk factors for ED? Male sexual arousal is a complex process involving interconnected body systems. Additionally, stress, anxiety and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological issues cause erectile dysfunction. Some common causes and risk factors include: ​ Older age Tobacco use Diabetes Heart disease Obesity Prostate surgery Radiation treatment Injuries Some medications Drug or alcohol use Stress Anxiety Depression ​ In order to prevent erectile dysfunction, we recommend healthy lifestyle choices and managing any existing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health issues. You should stop smoking, avoid alcohol and illegal drugs, exercise regularly, learn to reduce stress and find help for anxiety, depression and mental health concerns. ​ How do I discuss erectile dysfunction with my doctor? Short answer: However you're most comfortable. Just ask any question you need to in order to clarify your understanding. When you discuss erectile dysfunction with your provider at Daily Apple Clinic, they will review your current symptoms, medical history and other specific sexual problems such as premature or delayed ejaculation. You will review your medical history for diabetes, heart disease and other conditions that may be linked to your erectile dysfunction. Your provider will conduct a thorough physical exam and may recommend blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, or other imaging procedures in order to gather additional important information. ​ What are common ED treatments​? The treatment for ED generally starts with taking care of your heart and vascular health. Common treatments available for erectile dysfunction include: ​ Lifestyle changes: Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, including weight loss if you’re overweight and regular exercise, may help reduce ED symptoms without the need for further intervention. You may be asked to stop smoking and stop using drugs and alcohol. You will likely also discuss emotional issues such as relationship conflicts, depression and anxiety. Medications: Oral pills known as phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors are the most common. Brand names are Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. These medications increase penile blood flow and the rigidity of your erection. Hormone therapy: Low testosterone is a possible cause of erectile dysfunction. You may be tested several days apart in order to determine your levels of serum testosterone. If levels are low, your doctor may suggest injections, patches, or gels to boost testosterone in your body. Injections: Penile injections with a very fine needle, done by the patient at home, can stimulate blood flow and provide a reliable erection for 20 to 30 minutes. Self injection lessons will be given in the doctors office prior to doing it on your own. ​ If you have hesitated to discuss erectile dysfunction with your provider up until now, please see a trusted and knowledgeable member of the Daily Apple Clinic healthcare team for assistance with this important issue. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Windsor Gardens | Daily Apple Clinic

    Centro de la ciudad El mejor cuidado Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fácil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí para agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Siéntase libre de arrastrarme y soltarme en cualquier lugar que desee en su página. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y les hagas saber a tus usuarios un poco más sobre ti. Este es un gran espacio para escribir textos extensos sobre su empresa y sus servicios. Puede utilizar este espacio para entrar en más detalles sobre su empresa. Habla sobre tu equipo y los servicios que brindas. Cuente a sus visitantes la historia de cómo se le ocurrió la idea para su negocio y qué lo diferencia de sus competidores. Haga que su empresa se destaque y muestre a sus visitantes quién es usted. Reservar una cita Programe en línea. Es fácil, rápido y seguro.

  • Headache | Daily Apple Clinic

    Headache Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO No one really questions that the world could use less headaches. Any person experiencing one only wants it to go away. Headaches are a very common condition that most people will experience many times during their lives. In any given year, between half and three-quarters of all adults in the world experience them. ​ Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the capable providers here are ready and able to help you manage and prevent headaches. We offer comprehensive headache treatment and prevention for patients of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Headache Q & A ​ What is a headache? Headaches are common and usually fairly short in duration. If you only experience headaches infrequently, managing them will likely only cause minor concern. However, severe or recurrent headaches may require help from a medical professional. ​ The main symptom of a headache is a pain in your head or face. The pain may be experienced as throbbing, intermittent, constant, sharp or dull. You may also experience neck pain or other symptoms such as nausea or sensitivity to light, depending on the headache type. When you arrive at Daily Apple Clinic with headache symptoms, you will be evaluated to determine likely causes and the specific type of headache you may be experiencing. This will allow us to provide the most appropriate treatment method and assist with preventing your headaches in the future. ​ Which type of headache do I have? Your medical provider at Daily Apple Clinic can help you manage headaches of any type. Some of the most common headache types are: ​ Cluster headaches: Cluster headaches are the most severe type of primary headache. Cluster headaches come in a group or "cluster", often in the spring or fall. They can occur one to eight times per day during a cluster period of two weeks to three months. The individual can experience an intense, throbbing or constant pain behind one of the eyes. Tension headaches: Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Tension headaches cause mild to moderate consistent pain without throbbing. The pain usually occurs on both sides of the head and is effectively treated with over-the-counter medications. Migraines: Migraines are the second most common type of primary headaches. Migraines cause moderate to severe pain characterized as pounding or throbbing on one side of the head that can last from four hours to three days. Individuals also may experience nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or noise. ​ When should I seek medical help for a headache? Typically, headaches, although painful, don’t pose a serious threat. However, headaches may be a symptom of a life-threatening condition. Signs you should seek immediate medical care include: ​ Confusion or slurred speech Fever Headache after a head injury Severe headache that comes on suddenly or doesn’t go away Seizures or loss of consciousness Stiff neck, or pain in the ear or eye Weakness or numbness If you are experiencing the above symptoms, we strongly advise you dial 911 or report to the emergency room. However, if your headaches do not fall into that category but you still find you are experiencing them frequently, can't work or sleep due to your headaches or they don't get better with over-the-counter medication's, please consider booking an appointment at Daily Apple Clinic for professional headache care and prevention. ​ How can I manage my headaches? Headaches can usually be treated effectively with heat, stretching, rest, specific exercises, medication, stress management and biofeedback. When you arrive at Daily Apple Clinic, we will evaluate your symptoms to determine what may be causing your headaches and which type of headache you are likely experiencing. We will then work with you to create an individualized treatment and prevention plan for you that may include: ​ Prescription medications like triptans or muscle relaxants Preventive medications Caffeine Dietary modifications Applying heat or cold packs to your head, neck or shoulders Doing stretching exercises Massaging your head, neck or back Resting in a dark and quiet room Taking a walk ​ The key to to preventing headaches is to identify and recognize your triggers. Take note of new stressors, specific foods and activities that you can associate with the onset of your headaches. Triggers can be very specific to each person , but once you determine those triggers, you can avoid or minimize them. ​ If you would like to discuss your headache symptoms and reduce the disabling effects they can cause, please call us to book an appointment or click the button for an online appointment today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Direct Pay | Daily Apple Clinic

    Esto probablemente será solo una explicación de qué es el pago directo y por qué ahorra dinero a largo plazo. Podría hablar sobre las HSA Podría hablar sobre el tipo de personas que usan esto. Podría hablar de cómo es una alternativa al seguro.

  • Skin Problems | Daily Apple Clinic

    Skin Problems Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Having healthy skin is important. It protects you from bacteria, dirt and other foreign objects and the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It lets you know if something is hot or cold, soft or hard, sharp or dull and assists in regulating your fluids and body temperature. Healthy-looking skin can boost your self-confidence, and regular exams reduce your risk of cancer and other skin conditions. Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs. We offer comprehensive dermatology services for patients of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Skin Problems Q & A ​ What is Dermatology? Dermatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Patients seeking dermatology services will typically be interested in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of various skin conditions. ​ Why might I need dermatology services? At Daily Apple Clinic we specialize in skin care services such as rashes, lesions, warts, moles, concerning bumps, cysts and infections, hair loss, and removing suspicious-looking growths to reduce your risk of skin cancer. You might need dermatology care if you experience the following skin conditions: ​ Rashes Warts Moles Skin tags Fine lines Wrinkles Scrapes Cuts Burns Ingrown toenails ​ If you have a mole or suspicious-looking skin changes, please consider visiting the Daily Apple Clinic team as soon as possible for an evaluation, as this may be a sign of skin cancer. ​ Which dermatology services are available? Some of the many dermatology services available at Daily Apple Clinic include: ​ Skin checks: Undergoing periodic skin checks is an excellent way to detect and treat skin cancer before it becomes serious and when it can still be treated effectively. During a skin cancer screening, your provider examines every part of your body, including your chest, face, arms, back, and legs, as well as your scalp, between your toes, behind your ears, and the bottoms of your feet. Biopsies: A skin biopsy is a procedure to remove cells or skin samples from your body for laboratory examination. A doctor uses a skin biopsy to diagnose skin conditions and remove abnormal tissue. If you notice abnormal-looking tissue, your provider may recommend a tissue biopsy for lab analysis by a pathologist. Cryosurgery: Cryosurgery is a surgery using the local application of intense cold to destroy unwanted tissue. In our clinics, this is done using liquid nitrogen in a special container designed to apply aerosolized liquid directly to the tissue with special tips that control the amount and direction of the liquid nitrogen. We use it to treat many skin conditions (including warts and skin tags). Wart and mole removal: Your Daily Apple Clinic provider can remove warts, moles, skin tags, and other tissue abnormalities to reduce irritation, bleeding, infection, cancer risk and improve the appearance of your skin. We may do this using cryosurgery or excision using a local anesthetic. Wound care: Your provider can treat scrapes, cuts, burns, and ingrown toenails to speed up healing, reduce the risk of infection, and alleviate pain. We can provide antibiotic medications, bandages, suture wounds and other minor surgical procedures. Botox®: If you develop wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, Daily Apple Clinic specialists offer Botox injections to give your skin a smoother, younger-looking appearance. ​ Which dermatology services are right for me? If you have a skin condition or suspect you have one, Daily Apple Clinic offers dermatology consultations to determine the best approach to your care. We will review your medical history and symptoms and examine your skin in order to work with you in creating a plan to help you maintain healthy skin and reduce blemishes. We personalize each skin care treatment to meet your needs, lifestyle, and preferences. ​ To learn more about the dermatology services at Daily Apple Clinic and determine if you’re a good candidate for skin treatments, please schedule a consultation by phone or book an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Allergy & Asthma | Daily Apple Clinic

    Allergy & Asthma Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Allergies are immune system reactions that can cause acute and chronic discomfort, asthma attacks and a variety of other concerning signs. By limiting contact with or avoiding known allergens, you may be able to decrease or prevent allergy and asthma episodes. Substances that cause allergies (allergens) may also trigger asthma symptoms. Inhaling or coming in contact with allergens may cause you to experience symptoms such as cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. ​ In Congress Park of Denver, Colorado, Paul Reynolds, FNP, Monica Schonteich, FNP, and the experienced medical team at Daily Apple Clinic tailor individualized treatments for allergies and asthma. They can also help you explore strategies to prevent allergy symptoms and asthma attacks. For professional help managing your allergies and asthma, call Daily Apple Clinic or book your visit online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Allergy and Asthma Q & A ​ What are allergies? Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander or a food. These reactions are atypical and usually do not cause reactions in most people. When you have allergies, your immune system makes antibodies that identify a particular allergen as harmful, and, when you come into contact with the allergen, your immune system creates an inflammatory response in your skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system. Allergic reactions can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis. Most allergies have no true cure but medications can help alleviate symptoms. ​ Your symptoms may include: ​ Rashes and hives Sneezing Itchy or runny nose Itchy and watery eyes Chest tightness Wheezing Stomach pain Diarrhea Vomiting ​ Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. It causes swelling of the airways, breathing problems, lightheadedness, and possible loss of consciousness. ​ What is asthma? Asthma is condition occurring when a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. It often occurs in response to triggers such as cold air, exercise, or allergens. Asthma can be minor, interfere with daily activities or lead to a life-threatening attack. ​ Whether you experience asthma symptoms frequently or only a few times a year, they may include: ​ Wheezing Breath shortness Coughing Chest tightness or pain ​ What do allergies and asthma have in common? Allergies and asthma often occur together. The same substances that trigger your seasonal allergies, such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander, may also cause asthma signs and symptoms. In some people, skin or food allergies can also cause asthma symptoms. This is known as allergic asthma or allergy-induced asthma. ​ How are allergies and asthma treated​? Identifying and avoiding allergy triggers is the most important step in preventing allergic reactions and reducing symptoms. Oral medications, nasal sprays and eyedrops can often reduce or prevent allergy symptoms . Allergen immunotherapy involving injections of purified allergen extracts may be helpful for severe allergies and cases when other treatments have not been effective. Individuals with severe allergies may also need to carry emergency injectable epinephrine at all times. Asthma can usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms. Severe cases may require longer-acting inhalers that keep the airways open, as well as oral steroids. Breathing treatments such as inhalers and nebulizers can treat asthma as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is a long-term condition that affects your lungs and worsens with time. Daily Apple Clinic will work with you to manage your allergies and asthma symptoms and create a treatment plan to help you avoid allergic reactions and asthma attacks or manage them if they do happen. If you would like to discuss treatment options, p lease call us to schedule an appointment or click the button for an online appointment today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Nexplanon/IUD | Daily Apple Clinic

    Nexplanon/IUD Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Long-term birth control methods can last weeks, months, or even years with little effort on your part - and without surgery. They are safe and effective for most healthy women. These methods offer a consistent way for women to effectively prevent pregnancy. ​ Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs. We offer comprehensive long-term birth control and women’s health services for women of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Primary Care Q & A ​ What are IUDs and Nexplanon? IUDs are small, T-shaped devices placed inside your uterus, after giving you a checkup. A device can remain in place for 3 to 10 years, depending on its type, typically five or six years. Once the IUD is in place and you are experiencing no side effects, you don’t have to do anything else to prevent pregnancy. They are about 20 times more effective than pills, patches, or rings. Fewer than 1 in 100 women become pregnant during their first year on the IUD. Some IUDs release hormones and others are made of copper. The hormonal IUDs release the hormone progestin which prevents sperm from entering the cervix. These hormones can cause irregular periods during the first six months of use. The copper IUDs do not use hormones. Rather, the copper acts as a spermicide and usually has less effect on a woman's menstrual cycle. The Nexplanon implant is a small, thin, flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is inserted under the skin of your upper, non-dominant arm. It slowly releases progesterone into your body in the same way the hormonal IUDs do. It typically works for up to three years and is as effective as the IUD. Some women may have irregular bleeding initially, but typically periods become lighter and less frequent. ​ Why might I need long-term birth control? While oral contraceptive pills are one of the most popular forms of birth control, they only work if people take them as directed. The pill can be more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but, with typical use, effectiveness falls below 95%. However, user error is not a problem for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). These devices are more than 99% effective without requiring the person using them to remember to take medication once they are in place. As well as being the most effective, reversible method of reducing unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions, LARCs can also reduce or even eliminate monthly periods, manage the symptoms of endometriosis, and can even be used as a form of emergency contraception. ​ What should I expect during a visit for long-term birth control? When you arrive at Daily Apple Clinic for Nexplanon or IUD appointments, you will need to come to the clinic for several visits. For IUDs, your first visit will be a time for you to receive an initial physical exam in order to visualize the cervix and assess for structural problems or disease. Your provider will discuss how your device will work and any possible side effects you may experience from the device or the actual insertion. When you and your provider have agreed that you would like to proceed, a device will be ordered for you. You will schedule a follow up appointment for the insertion after the device has arrived and any necessary payment has been made. Nexplanon and IUDs are usually placed during the early part of your menstrual cycle. You will likely be asked to take some pain medicine prior to your visit. After the insertion, you will then typically return to the clinic a week or so later for a follow up visit to make sure you are not experiencing any unmanageable side effects and to answer any follow-up questions you may have. ​ Which long-term birth control is right for me? If you have questions about Nexplanon or IUDs, Daily Apple Clinic offers long-term birth control consultations to discuss the details of the best approach for your particular needs. We will review your medical history, family planning goals and conduct a complete physical exam to help you choose the best method for you. ​ To learn more about Nexplanon and IUD services at Daily Apple Clinic and determine if you’re a good candidate for one of these long-term birth control methods, please schedule a consultation by phone or book an appointment online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

  • Pre-Paid Plans | Daily Apple Clinic

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  • Weight Loss | Daily Apple Clinic

    Medical Weight Loss Daily Apple Clinic Adult Care, Primary Care, & Family Nurse Practitioners located in Congress Park, Denver, CO Being overweight can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Having a higher weight can increase the risk of a variety of health problems, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression. Being overweight can also reduce your quality of life. One study found that obesity can also shorten one's lifespan by as much as fourteen years. ​ Daily Apple Clinic is located in Congress Park in Denver, Colorado. Paul Reynolds, FNP and Monica Schonteich, FNP and all of the skilled providers here are ready and able to care for your needs. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to lose weight on your own, Daily Apple Clinic offers highly effective medical weight loss treatments for adults of all ages. Please call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Call Us: 720-593-8989 Weight Loss Q & A ​ What is medical weight loss? Medical weight loss is the process of losing weight with the help and guidance of a healthcare professional. The medical provider uses their knowledge and medical experience to help the person attempting to lose weight create a realistic plan that meets their unique needs and circumstances. Your weight loss specialist will offer a variety of weight loss services to help you safely and effectively reach your goal weight. They will monitor your progress, keep an eye on your overall health and can help you manage chronic diseases. ​ What are the benefits of medical weight loss? Losing weight via a medical weight loss program can lower your risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and other life-altering conditions. It can be the beginning of a journey toward a healthier lifestyle, relief from the burden and stigma of carrying those extra pounds and the ultimate outcome of a happier you. Some of the many benefits of medical weight loss at Daily Apple Clinic include: ​ Effective, long-lasting weight loss More energy Reduced joint pain and risk of arthritis Chronic disease management Lower risk of disease Self-confidence Less depression, improved mood ​ Medical weight loss includes more than just diet and exercise counseling. Our goal at Daily Apple Clinic is to determine the root cause of stalled weight loss goals and to help you find a new path in achieving the results you are hoping for. ​ What happens during a medical weight loss appointment? When you arrive at the Daily Apple Clinic for a weight loss appointment, compassionate staff members will assess your weight, vital signs, BMI and body composition. You will meet with a medical provider who will conduct a physical exam and discuss your best options based on your history, clinical parameters and goals. ​ Your provider will review your current diet and exercise patterns, lifestyle, and complete health history. Blood will be drawn for labs. Your provider may also recommend other diagnostic tests to detect or rule out important medical problems before developing a customized weight loss plan. ​ What will my weight loss plan look like? Your personalized medical weight loss plan at Daily Apple Clinic may include the following: ​ Diet counseling Exercise counseling Custom meal plans Dietary supplements Meal replacements Medications Hormone treatments ​ Your weight loss provider also offers convenient virtual telehealth visits if you would like to follow up with your specialist from time to time from the comfort of your home or office. ​ How often should I schedule weight loss appointments​? You can expect to lose 1-2 pounds weekly with Daily Apple Clinic’s medical weight loss program. We will schedule follow-up visits every week or two initially and less often after that. Of course, you can always book an appointment whenever you have questions or concerns about your health. ​ If you are experiencing unplanned weight gain, excess weight, or obesity, please visit us at Daily Apple Clinic for a weight loss evaluation. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today. Services we offer: Primary Care click for info Skin Problems click for info Women's Health click for info Mental Health click for info Urgent Care click for info Nexplanon/IUD click for info Weight Loss click for info Headache click for info Abdominal Pain click for info Colds & Coughs click for info ENT Problems click for info Allergy & Asthma click for info UTIs Click for info Men's Health click for info STD Testing click for info Arthritis Care click for info

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